10+ Advantages of Internet in Real Life

The word internet is quite popular all over the world as it has revolutionized the way people work in day-to-day activities. Although its popularity grew slowly in the beginning, half of the world's population uses the Internet these days. The Internet is one of the most powerful creations of technology and has many advantages in many fields.

Internet refers to the connection of many networks on a very large scale like around the world. It helps to connect millions of electronic devices, websites, and servers. In simple words, the connection between two or more electronic devices established using TCP/IP protocol (Transport Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) to exchange information is called the Internet.

In this article, we are discussing some of the major benefits or advantages of the Internet. However, they are not limited to those discussed in this article. The Internet has many advantages and almost every person benefits from it in some way or the other, irrespective of the age difference.

What are the advantages of Internet?

Today, the Internet has become the backbone of information and technology. It has even become very useful for common people. It seems very difficult or almost impossible for us to dream of life without the internet, especially when we have the latest generations of devices. With the huge amount of advantages, the internet has made human life simpler, smarter, and more productive.

Following are some common benefits or advantages of the Internet:

Advantages of Internet

Access to Online Education

Access to online education can be considered as one of the major advantages of the Internet as it is the key to a better future. The internet has allowed students to take their classes or tuitions from home. Along with this, it is also helping teachers to give online classes. Due to online education, students could continue their studies without any interruption even in tough times like COVID-19

Many schools, colleges, and universities offer various online courses. Teachers can either deliver live classes or upload recorded videos, making it convenient for students to watch the specific topic multiple times. Most of the time, online classes are taken through video conferencing over the internet. Apart from this, the exams and results are also provided on online platforms.

Endless Entertainment

The internet gives access to endless entertainment. The Internet is the source of many types of files, which allow people to access particular types of content. With the internet, people can access tons of images, listen to music, watch videos or movies, play online games, and many more. There are several online sites and platforms on the internet that contain different entertainment contents of different categories.

Apart from this, people can also download specific entertaining files or content to their devices with the help of the Internet, which can be enjoyed later anytime without an Internet connection. 

Abundant Information

The Internet is currently the largest and fastest source of information. Search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing help users find information on almost any imaginable topic, be it a financial matter, government law or service, market information, educational issue, technical support, new ideas or innovations, general knowledge, etc. 

Due to advancements in internet technology over time, nowadays people can ask any question using voice commands and find relevant answers and many web pages containing information about that question. The internet is full of information on varying levels of difficulty for everyone from kids to adults. Furthermore, the desired information can be found in plenty of file formats, such as text, image, audio, video, etc.

Internet Banking

The Internet plays an important role in banking these days. With Internet Banking, both the bank employees and the customers have a better experience. The workload on the bank employees has reduced considerably. At the same time, customers do not need to go to the bank for every single need. Instead, customers have access to most baking functions with a few clicks using online banking or internet banking.

People can log into their bank accounts on their devices like smartphones, computers, etc., over the internet and check their bank balance, statement, manage transaction limits, transfer money, change ATM PIN, apply for a physical card like Debit/Credit, contact the customer support team, etc. With the Internet, banking has changed a lot and people can access their respective accounts from anywhere, like home, office, street, etc.

Cashless Transactions

As banking has progressed with the Internet, cashless transactions have revolutionized the way we transact. This has come as a big advantage for businesses as they have taken a big step in transferring money online. 

Nowadays, people do not need to carry cash or physical cards like debit/credit. Instead, they can use their smartphone to transfer money to anyone over UPI. The UPI payment system works over the Internet and is quite fast as compared to online banking payments.

Apart from this, the record of transactions is also maintained automatically which can be proof of transfer when needed. Cashless transactions are comparatively safe and more efficient than physical cash transactions.

Online Shopping and Booking

With the Internet, people have wider access to products. There are many e-commerce sites that allow people to browse specific products of interest and buy them without having to go anywhere. The desired products are delivered at the doorstep and payments are usually made electronically using the Internet.

Online stores have a wide range and variety of each specific item and it is easy to compare different items/products online. In addition, reviews shared by other people who have previously purchased a particular item also help in deciding which might be a good deal.

In addition to shopping, people can also take advantage of the Internet and make certain bookings, such as seats for trains, flights, buses, taxis, hotels, or restaurants, and many other online services. All this has been possible only because of the Internet.

Recharges and Bill Payments

The Internet has made the process of recharge and bill payment easy. Earlier, we had to visit the retail store or dealer's shops to get the desired recharge. Similarly, we had to go to respective official centers or booths to pay bills like electricity, gas, water, etc. However, these days, we can recharge for mobile, broadband, DTH, etc., and pay various bills online using their official sites or third-party merchants on the internet.

While recharging online or paying bills, we often get discounts and offers. With this, we can also save our hard-earned money. Thus, the internet has helped in making recharges and bill payments faster and somewhat cheaper. In addition, receipts are also given in digital forms, such as PDFPNG, or JPEG, which can be printed only if desired. In this way, the Internet is helping to reduce the use of paper to some extent.

Global Connectivity

Another major advantage of the Internet is global connectivity. Before the Internet, people used to communicate by sending a physical letter that sometimes took months to reach the destination. However, the Internet has offered a faster way of communication and connecting people globally.

Today, people can have an E-mail ID and send an E-mail to anyone at any place, and it hardly takes a minute for the Email to reach the destination or recipient. There are many other forms of communication, such as VoIP and chat, which allow instant connections with anyone around the world.

Social networking sites and online forums are also major use cases of the Internet, using which people communicate together. These platforms allow multiple activities. People can chat, talk over Internet calls, share ideas, interests, or files, ask questions, and more. Businesses have also taken full advantage of global connectivity to find suitable employees, organize meetings and reach people for their ideas or feedback.

Jobs and Freelancing

With the Internet, finding jobs in companies has become easier. Most of the companies have their own websites where they share updates regarding vacancies from time to time. Needy candidates can apply for specific posts, send their resumes, and get shortlisted for interviews while sitting at home. Candidates can even be interviewed online over video conferencing, saving travel time and money.

Apart from jobs, people can also work part-time or full-time as a freelancer. They can personally take up tasks/projects from people or companies, complete them, and get paid. This way, they work online from their homes without wasting money on physical office requirements. All the conversations, tasks, transactions can be managed using online means on the internet.

Work from Home

With significant global connectivity, the internet has also made it easier for employees to work from home. Employees generally work on centralized software connected to the Internet. When needed, they can communicate over chat, Emails, video conferencing, etc. Most companies are hiring employees on a work-from-home basis wherever possible. This way both companies and employees are saving unnecessary or extra expenses. 

According to most surveys, employees are happier and more productive while working from home. Working from home has become a common practice since the COVID-19 pandemic, especially for computer science and IT-based companies.

Selling Products 

The Internet has made it very easy not only to buy products but also to sell products. There are many websites or online platforms that allow users to list products to sell. Nowadays, most of the popular e-commerce sites like Amazon and Flipkart also provide such services. People can connect to these platforms as a merchant or sellers and easily sell their products across the country or even across the world.

Apart from this, there are also online platforms like Olx, where people can even sell their used goods at a reasonable price. With the internet selling products online, more and more users have access, thereby increasing the overall sales every day.

Promotions & Advertising

Branding is the most essential element to most business success. If companies can reach more people and inform them about products or services, the sales potential is always higher. In this way, promotion and advertising are very important. With the Internet reaching a wider range of people all over the world, there has been a great increase in online promotion and advertising.

Businesses can take advantage of the Internet and connect with people using a variety of methods. They may use advertising platforms such as Google AdWords that allow them to promote or advertise products or services all over the world via the Internet. Businesses and even individuals can use these services and list the desired product by paying some reasonable amount. Also, social networking sites and communities are alternative options for free promotion. 

Making Money

Making money online is another important advantage of the internet. There are many convenient options for earning money on the Internet. People can create a personal blog or website to reach more and more people. Later, they can promote others' products and charge money. Also, there are many affiliate earning options like Amazon Associates, which allow people to earn commission by selling items listed on their platform. 

Advertising is the most popular way to earn money on the Internet. There are many advertising platforms like Google AdSense that allow people to earn profit by showing ads on their website, videos, or applications. If one has a large number of audiences online, there is always a chance to earn money on the internet.

Donations & Funding

The way of giving and accepting donations and funds has completely changed. With online transactions and the internet, it has become very easy. With the wide reach of the Internet, people around the world can fund or donate money to individuals or organizations to continue developing ideas, projects, or services. Charitable organizations can reach as many people as possible and ask for donations to continue their services to help the needy.

Apart from this, there are many sites on the Internet that allow people to create a campaign to collect donations. Using these platforms, the host can explain why donations are needed, how much is needed, usage details, etc. Besides, users on the Internet can either donate with their details or anonymously. 

Access to 24x7 News & Updates

The Internet has made it easy for people to stay updated with the happenings all over the world. There are many news sites on the internet and they all try to post updates about specific topics as soon as possible to compete with others. People can choose to receive news and updates about a particular category by personalizing their preferences. In addition, all TV news channels are available 24x7 over the internet.

Apart from this, the need for physical newspapers is also decreasing as publishers are providing access to online newspapers. Online newspapers are most helpful as they can be read anytime anywhere. The best part is that we can quickly find the newspaper of any previous particular date in a few minutes. At the same time, online newspapers are reducing the use of paper, thereby saving the environment to some extent. 

Navigating Locations 

The Internet has made navigation so easy that people can find or locate any place on a map within minutes. Online maps like Google Maps contain most of the details of the places, using which one can know the complete address, contact number, nearest landmark, and even the complete route to get to any desired location in the shortest possible time.

Online navigation is helping people in real-time as it can help people to find the nearest hotel, restaurant, ATM, bank, airport, etc. It is most helpful while traveling abroad.

Internet of Things

Technology has advanced a lot and still continues to grow. With Internet access, devices connect globally and become smart. There are specialized devices that have enhanced functionality when connected to the Internet. Some such devices are Google Smart Home, Amazon Echo, Smart Light Bulb, Smart Switch, Smart Lock, etc. 

When devices have internet connectivity, they can be controlled by voice commands, smartphones, computers, etc. The best part is that since they are connected to the internet, we can control them from anywhere, anytime. These days, there are many smart devices that allow controlling various day-to-day activities of our life.

For example, suppose we have a smart lock on the door. When we are traveling abroad, someone (like a guest) comes to our house. As soon as the guest presses the doorbell, we get a notification on our phone and we use the smartphone to access the smart lock's camera and see who is there. Also, we can use the lock's mic to let the guest know we're not at home or something. 

Cloud Computing and Storage

Cloud computing and cloud storage are some of the most essential benefits of the Internet these days. Most businesses use these services to store their data because it provides centralized connectivity to Internet-enabled devices all over the world. 

With cloud computing, devices can have access to more powerful computers to perform complex tasks. With cloud storage, the data is stored in a secure and properly organized manner on the servers over the network. 

Cloud-based storages also take care of the backup and restoration of the stored data. It is quite fast to find any information from cloud servers and can be easily shared with other people on the internet.


This article discusses over 15 advantages of the Internet. With a list of many benefits, the internet is helping people to ease their tasks and save time. Nowadays, the internet has become a necessity and is playing an important role in human life. Applications or uses of the Internet can be seen in almost every field these days.

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