Nowadays millions of people, educational institutions, industries, and government organizations are connected to each other. INTERNET is the solution. It has enabled people to connect through electronic devices from all over the world. It would not be wrong to say that now we cannot imagine a world without the INTERNET. But the question that comes to the mind of many people is that 'what is the full form of INTERNET?'

In this article, we have discussed the word INTERNET along with some other details, such as the INTERNET full form, what is INTERNET, its history, working, uses, advantages, disadvantages, and more.

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What is the full form of INTERNET?

The meaning or full form of INTERNET is the "Interconnected Network” of all the Web Servers Worldwide. In addition to this, the term INTERNET is also used as a short form of 'International Networking', which is basically an interconnected network. However, most people believe that the word Internet is not an acronym and is just a word that has its own meaning.

The term ‘Network’ specifies the connection established between two or more computers or electronic devices to exchange information or media files. Internet is currently the largest network in the world.


The full form of INTERNET can be explained as below:

Inter Interconnected
Net Network

Let us now understand what the INTERNET is:

What is an INTERNET?

The INTERNET is a connection of numerous networks on a very large scale. It helps to connect millions of electronic devices, websites, and servers. In other words, the connection between two or more electronic devices established using TCP/IP protocol (Transport Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) to exchange information is called the INTERNET. 

The INTERNET is the largest network extended across the world. With the help of the INTERNET, users around the world can exchange text, images, videos, documents, and other files. It allows users to interact with friends, relatives, and others using it simply by sitting in front of their electronic devices. 

Note: Internet is also referred to as the WWW (World Wide Web) or simply the 'Web' in short. However, the two terms, INTERNET, and WWW are not the same.

Brief History of INTERNET

The Internet is established around the world using interconnected gateways and routers that are interconnected. It is not made by any one person. Instead, several innovations were made by different scientists. A technique for effectively transmitting electronic data was created by computer scientists with the concept of "packet switching", which later helped form the building blocks of the Internet.

In the late 1960s, the first viable early version of the Internet came with the creation of the ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network). ARPANET initially used "packet switching", funded by the US Department of Defence, to enable multiple computers on the same network to communicate. 

In 1969, ARPANET created a successful connection between the University of California Los Angeles and the Stanford Research Institute on the same network. Later in 1983, the TCP/IP were established, allowing network technology to mature, and from that time onwards researchers began to combine together a "network of networks" that became the modern Internet. The user-friendly internet interface was created in 1991.

How is an INTERNET formed?

The INTERNET is a typical connection of interconnected networks, which means the network of networks. It is usually formed using interconnected gateways and distinct routers connected together worldwide. This network consists of a huge number of private, public, and government organizations, schools and colleges, hospitals, research centers, and many other servers worldwide.

How does the INTERNET works?

The INTERNET is a worldwide network of computers and other electronic devices that transmit a variety of data and media files across interconnected devices. The INTERNET typically works via a packet routing network that follows Transport Control Protocol (TCP) and the Internet Protocol (IP).

When the data is transferred across the web, it is converted into messages and packets. Data sent over the Internet is known as a message. However, it is broken up into small parts, called packets, before it is sent over the Internet. The INTERNET is accessed using the web browser.

Popular Web Browsers 

Following is the list of the few most popular web browsers use worldwide:

Google Chrome
Mozilla Firefox
Microsoft Edge

Most mobile devices come preinstalled with a stock web browser by the manufacturer. However, it usually supports minimal or basic features. Users can always install any of the above third-party web browsers on their devices accordingly.

Functioning Area for INTERNET

INTERNET was primarily designed to establish a secure connection in work environments such as offices or businesses. However, it became useful and expanded throughout the world in a very short time. Nowadays, almost everyone is benefitting from the INTERNET and it can be easily seen in almost every field, including homes, colleges, research institutions, hospitals, airports, or even in many remote areas.

The INTERNET has made communication between people so easier that they can connect from all around the world easily. It has changed the world. Some of the popular functioning areas of the INTERNET can be seen on apps like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp, and search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.

Interconnected Network

Common Uses of INTERNET

INTERNET has a wide range of applications/ uses. Some of the most common uses of INTERNET are listed below:

Online purchasing, payments, net banking, gaming, etc.

Communicating with friends or family over calls or video conferencing.

Sending and receiving emails, using social media platforms, sharing photos and videos with others.

Online blogging, broadcasting, studying, etc.

Accessing information on specific topics from millions of websites, which include the World Wide Web.

Advantages of INTERNET

Some essential advantages of the INTERNET are listed below:

The INTERNET provides knowledge or information on almost all topics with just a few clicks. 

Using the INTERNET, users from different areas of the world can communicate and even share files in a very less time.

With GPS navigation, the INTERNET allows users to use the map and locate nearly every place with ease.

The INTERNET has made banking a lot easier; users can easily transfer money, check their bank balance, make purchases, and send/ receive money quickly.

Disadvantages of INTERNET

Some essential disadvantages of the INTERNET are listed below:

People addicted to the INTERNET may face several health-related issues, not only to their fitness but also to their psychological state.

With the increasing use of the INTERNET, online frauds have also increased. Due to this, people end up losing their personal information and even money.

Users typically get addicted to online surfing, gaming, or other kinds of stuff on the INTERNET, spending less time with people in the real world. This usually decreases social interaction and face-to-face communication.

The INTERNET can display pornographic content or violent images/ ads to users even when they don't want to see them. Additionally, there can be spam and unnecessary advertising. 

INTERNET vs World Wide Web

The terms INTERNET and World Wide Web are two different terms with different meanings and working. The INTERNET is usually defined as a global system of interconnected computer networks. Besides, the World Wide Web is typically defined as a global collection of documents and other resources, connected by hyperlinks and URIs (Unified Resource Identifiers).

Using the INTERNET, we can access stored hypertexts and resources. For example, when we use emails or chats with someone online, we use the INTERNET. However, when we search for anything using the search engines like Google, we use the World Wide Web or Web.


INTERNET (stands for ‘Interconnected Network’) is a connection of a large number of networks. In particular, it is referred to as the network of networks. It has made a life lot easier in several aspects and also has some disadvantages. However, we cannot think of a world without the INTERNET now. 

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