Essay on Pollution: 1500+ Words Essay for Kids

Pollution is a very popular word nowadays, even children know about it. This has become a matter of very serious concern for the whole world. This is not a problem that has happened recently. It is believed to have existed for a very long time, even when there were no humans. For example, a volcanic eruption has always been there and caused contamination and reactions in the atmosphere by various pollutants.

Pollution is an issue that emerges in many ways, both natural and man-made. In recent times, it has been increasing continuously, whether it is natural or man-made. This is the reason why it is continuously harming the earth and its environment. It has become serious and an urgent need has arisen to tackle this problem. 

In this article, we will learn an essay on pollution. Everything is explained in easy language with a brief introduction of pollution, its effects, types, and other details in the article. In addition, it includes a 10-line essay for students and children looking for a short essay on pollution.

Introduction to Pollution

Just as our body needs a balanced diet to stay healthy and fit, the environment also needs a balanced amount of substances. If a substance is present in more than its threshold ratio, it usually pollutes the surrounding environment. This can sometimes cause trouble for the living bodies present in such an environment.

For example, increased amounts of carbon dioxide or nitrogen oxides pollute the environment and cause difficulty in breathing within the atmosphere.

Essay on Pollution

Pollution is the presence of contaminants in the environment that harm and damage living beings and nature itself. It is currently one of the major issues that are affecting the earth in many ways. In the 21st century, pollution has increasingly affected various natural processes and cycles. Not only this, due to this increasing problem, today many flora and fauna have either become extinct or are endangered. In addition, animals are also rapidly losing their habitat.

Types of Pollution/ Environmental Pollution

Although there are many types of pollution, the primary types include the following:

Air Pollution
Water Pollution
Noise Pollution
Soil Pollution

Air Pollution

Air pollution refers to the presence of harmful gases and elements in the air, usually caused by vehicular emissions of gases. Many factories and industries also release harmful substances into the air through the air vents of fireplaces. Also, the burning of garbage and plants/trees in the fields causes air pollution. 

Since toxic substances/ pollutants are also generated through vehicles, one of the major concerns is the increase in the use of vehicles. Vehicles usually release sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide which mainly reduce the presence of oxygen in the atmosphere. Air pollution has caused many diseases in humans which are responsible for shortness of breath, asthma, respiratory diseases, etc.

Water Pollution

Factories and industries not only cause air pollution but also water pollution. They dump the remaining toxic substances or residues in water bodies through sewage. Sewage is usually associated with water bodies such as canals, rivers, and seas. Sewage waste and toxic chemicals have resulted in the loss of habitat for marine life. Due to this the dissolved oxygen present in the reservoirs has also started disappearing. 

Water pollution has created problems not only for marine life but also for humans. Many countries are facing a shortage of potable water which is to some extent a major impact of water pollution. People living in such places have no option but to drink polluted water, which leads to various diseases, especially diarrhea, cholera, and dysentery.

Noise Pollution

Noise pollution is another common type of pollution that we regularly face in some form or the other. The main cause of noise pollution is the use of horns in vehicles. This can be really troublesome for those living near highways and traffic areas. People can feel stress like anxiety due to constant noise pollution.

Despite this, the noise of loudspeakers in functions, bursting of crackers, running of machines in factories also contribute to noise pollution. Since the use of firecrackers is seen a lot during the festive season, it causes an increase in noise pollution during festivals like Diwali, Christmas, New Year, etc. This usually causes difficulties for animals as they have a higher hearing ability than humans.

Soil Pollution

Soil pollution refers to the presence of toxic elements in the soil that cause contamination. There can be many reasons for soil pollution. However, the most common reason is the presence of household waste and industrial dumps lying on the soil. Dumps or waste must be properly disposed of or recycled.

In addition, farmers use various chemical compounds to fertilize the soil and grow specific plants or trees. However, the use of too many chemical compounds sometimes results in soil contamination, making it unsuitable for further cultivation or plantation. Soil pollution generally produces bacteria and increases mosquitoes which in turn cause various diseases.

Note: Radioactive pollution is also increasing due to the increase of radioactive substances in the earth's atmosphere. Most of the countries are developing their nuclear equipment in this nuclear era and testing, operating, and using such radioactive equipment increases the radioactive substances in the atmosphere which cause radioactive pollution.

Effects of Pollution

Pollution is affecting humans, animals, and the environment in various ways. Some of the critical effects of pollution are listed below:

Due to pollution, many species of animals, insects, and birds are on the verge of extinction such as sparrows, bees, etc., which have become almost extinct.

The ozone layer is getting depleted due to the increasing level of air pollution, which is the cause of Global Warming. Along with this, many respiratory diseases are increasing in many humans, due to which many deaths are happening every year.

Due to increasing water pollution, marine life is getting destroyed underwater. Also, the level of potable water is decreasing rapidly.

Humans living in noise-polluted areas face difficulty in hearing over time. Along with this, high blood pressure, sleep disturbance, anxiety, and other problems are seen.

The use of various pesticides or chemicals in food and crops puts people at increased risk of cancer and other dangerous diseases. The ever-increasing soil pollution is making the soil infertile.

How to Reduce Pollution?

Since pollution has harmful effects on humans, animals, and nature, it is everyone's responsibility to cooperate in its prevention. There are many ways by which we can reduce the pollution around us. If everyone plays their part and takes potentially preventive steps, there will be a big impact on the environment.

Some general steps towards prevention of pollution are as follows:

Preventing the Use of Firecrackers

We should avoid the use of firecrackers while celebrating any festival, especially Diwali, Dussehra, Christmas, Eid, and New Year. When we burst crackers, it not only causes air pollution but also noise, soil, and light pollution. The use of firecrackers has a great impact on our health and the environment.

Limiting the Use of Vehicles

Vehicles produce a large amount of pollution, be it air pollution or noise pollution. We should try to minimize the use of motor vehicles. It is better to use public transport for daily travel rather than driving a private vehicle. Alternatively, we can try to use electric vehicles for personal use.

Keeping the Surrounding Clean

It is not only the duty of the government to keep the areas clean. Instead, we should also cooperate in the direction of cleanliness by not throwing household garbage here and there. We should dump the waste properly. 

Using Recyclable and Reusable Products

Nowadays human needs have increased. We require different types of items for our daily needs. For example, computer devices, TVs, plastic bags, and other plastic items. If such things are thrown here and there then they are harmful to the environment. It is very necessary to replace such items with biodegradable items. If this is not possible, then we should dispose of such items properly.

In many countries, the government itself has several plans for recycling non-biodegradable products. Additionally, citizens are asked to donate or sell their plastic waste or exchange it for other items.

Stop Cutting Trees & Planting Trees 

Plants and trees are the only sources of oxygen in the environment. Also, they absorb various harmful gases like carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide, etc. Therefore, we should not cut the plants/trees and plant more and more of them. 

Apart from the above-mentioned solutions, there are some temporary alternatives that people used to follow. They use different filtering techniques in their home to keep themselves safe. In particular, people are using air purifiers and water purifiers to keep indoor air and drinking water somewhat pure by removing harmful bacteria and many other substances.

10 Lines Essay on Pollution

The following points discuss the short essay or 10 lines essay on pollution:

Pollution is the presence of harmful substances in the air, water, or environment.

Pollution is the result of the increased needs of man or we can say greed.

Our environment is highly affected by various types of pollution.

Pollution is increasing every day in the environment around the world.

Pollution is harming nature in various ways.

Pollution has caused many diseases around the world.

Many industries and factories are contributing to air pollution, water pollution, and noise pollution.

Planting trees is one of the best ways to reduce pollution in the environment.

Air pollution can be controlled to some extent by using advanced exhaust filters in vehicles.

People should be aware of different types of pollution, their effects, and necessary prevention steps.

Wrapping Up

Pollution is one of the major problems of the present times. It has affected our environment and the life of living beings. Every citizen should take necessary preventive steps of pollution for the better tomorrow of the coming generation. Already every day many lives are in danger due to pollution and people are facing many kinds of diseases. If this is not controlled, then very soon the day of doomsday will come on humans.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the definition of Pollution?

Pollution is the introduction of harmful materials into the air, water, or the environment. The harmful materials are called pollutants.

What are the effects of Pollution on the Environment?

Pollution is mainly affecting life on earth in various ways. The quality of the air we breathe, the water we drink, the soil we use to be fertile, are steadily deteriorating.

What are the major types of Pollution?

There are three major types of pollution, namely air pollution, water pollution, and soil pollution.

Which is the most dangerous type of Pollution?

Air pollution is generally the most dangerous type of pollution as it directly affects human health. Breathing in air polluted areas is harmful and creates the possibility of respiratory and lung diseases. Every year many people are dying of lung problems.

How can we help reduce Pollution?

Everyone can play their part in reducing pollution. We should decompose the household waste properly, plant more and more trees, recycle the products whenever possible. To reduce pollution greatly, everyone should pay attention to greenery.

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