VIRUS Full Form: What does VIRUS stand for?

We have heard the term 'VIRUS' in the field of medical and computers. Most people are aware that it is dangerous in both areas, but most people do not really know the full form of VIRUS.

In this article, we are going to understand what the VIRUS full form is, what a VIRUS is, its effect, types, symptoms, and more, in the field of computers.

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What is the full form of VIRUS?

The meaning or full form of VIRUS is ‘Vital Information Resources Under Seize’. A computer virus is a type of malicious program or a set of codes that attacks computers to cause damage to them and their data. A virus can also steal the user's information and send it to the attackers. Other related dangerous software includes malware, adware, Trojans, spyware, etc.

VIRUS Full Form

The full form of VIRUS can be explained as:

V Vital
I Information
R Resources
U Under
S Seize

Let's talk about what the VIRUS is:

What is a Virus?

According to a definition, ‘Computer virus is a malicious code or a program designed to change the way a computer system operates and is written in such a way that it can spread from one computer to another by itself without the user’s knowledge to operate malicious actions.’

In case the VIRUS succeeds to get into the computer or any other electronic device, it tends to affect the data files, drives, software, or boot sector, etc. There can be several ways that a virus can use to harm the devices or the data stored in the devices. Viruses are created or developed by humans to gain access to the private information of individuals, companies, or government organizations. Such humans are called attackers or hackers.

Effects of Computer Virus

Attackers can use viruses to perform a variety of actions. Some of the most critical effects performed using the viruses are listed below:

Viruses can slow down computers by damaging the system files.
Viruses can delete user data without the user's permission.
Viruses can affect a boot system of a computer so that it does not operate.
Viruses can access stored data and transfer it to someone else.
Viruses can gain access to social accounts stored on computers and even automatically post irrelevant content on their behalf.
Viruses can display many malicious advertisements or exaggerated messages on a computer screen to attract users' attention. This, meanwhile, helps to insert the virus into the computer.

Types of Computer Virus

There are many types of computer viruses and they affect computers in different ways. We cannot really define how many types of computer viruses are because they are constantly evolving with technology. Attackers are always working to bypass security with new viruses to gain access to the user's devices.

Some of the most important types of computer viruses are listed below:

• Boot Sector Virus
• Directory Virus
• FAT Virus
• Direct Action Virus
• Resident Virus
• Non-resident Virus
• Multipartite Virus
• Retrovirus
• Stealth Virus
• Spacefiller Virus

Check the complete list of computer viruses and their definition here: Types of Computer Virus

Symptoms of a Computer Virus

Most viruses are designed with such a nature that they can replicate themselves from one device to another. Besides, the Internet is the main medium from which viruses can be automatically downloaded from malicious websites to computers. Viruses can produce a variety of symptoms. Some of the most common symptoms are:

Computer becomes slow
Frequent pop-up windows open automatically
Unknown programs start with the windows start-up
Unknown programs are running in the background
Unusual activities like password changes or file deletion
Frequent crashes even when the computer is idle
Mass emails being sent from the attached email account on a computer
Irrelevant status updates on connected social media accounts

How to protect a computer from viruses?

To protect a computer from viruses, it is best to use trusted antivirus software and keep it updated with the latest virus definitions. Apart from this, we should not open malicious websites or attachments that might come with the emails. Also, programs should only be downloaded from the official websites or trusted third-party sources.


VIRUS (stands for ‘Vital Information Resources Under Seize’) is a malicious program designed by humans to access the sensitive data of any individual, enterprise, or government organizations through their devices without permission. Attackers use the retrieved information for their personal profit. Viruses can be dangerous, and so it is recommended to use computer devices by following the proper safety guidelines. Apart from this, good antivirus software can be beneficial.

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