WWW Full Form - World Wide Web

When it comes to surfing through the Internet, the term ‘WWW’ is tossed quite a lot. You may have noticed this when entering the URL in the web browser. Although most people are using WWW regularly and are familiar with the term, they do not know its full form. So, what is the full form of WWW?

In this article, we have briefly covered the most important topics about WWW, such as the full form of WWW, what is WWW, its history, characteristics, advantages, disadvantages, and more.

What You Will Learn

What is the full form of WWW?

WWW is an abbreviation used for "World Wide Web". Most of the time, WWW is simply referred to as a 'web'. It is a combination of all types of resources and users on the Internet who are using HTTP (short for HyperText Transfer Protocol). Users can use a web browser to access a specific website or webpage. They can easily navigate through various webpages using hyperlinks, where resources such as pictures, text, and other content will be displayed. 

WWW Full Form

The full form of WWW can be explained as:

W World
W Wide
W Web

Let’s talk about what WWW is:

What is WWW?

WWW or the ‘world wide web’ is a system of interlinked hypertext documents and resources that are accessed via the Internet. It includes all the websites connected to the Internet from all around the world. The web is designed in such a way that it stores documents of websites, which can be accessed using a unique URL (Uniform Resource Locator) over the Internet. These documents and resources are retrieved with the help of an HTTP request and response system and are viewed using the Web browsers.

The web browser helps people access any website or a webpage and navigate through the webpages using hyperlinks. A webpage usually contains different types of resources, such as texts, images, and other multimedia contents. Many web browsers are available for computers, phones, and many other electronic devices. Some popular and widely used web browsers are listed below:

Google Chrome
Mozilla Firefox
Microsoft Edge
Internet Explorer

Components used by WWW

WWW mainly uses the following three components:

HTML (HyperText Markup Language)
URL (Uniform Resource Locator)
HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol)

A Brief History of WWW

Back in 1989, Tim Berners-Lee and his group introduced the World Wide Web. He was an English engineer and a computer scientist. While working on WWW, he was employed at CERN near Geneva, Switzerland. Later in 1990, Tim Berners-Lee created the first web browser using the NeXt computer as the world’s first web server. 

The first web browser was a text-based browser and was called WorldwideWeb or called Browser-Editor. It was renamed to Nexus to eliminate doubts between the program (web browser) and abstract information space (which is now called the World Wide Web). The web browser and the World Wide Web were made publicly available after 1991.

Characteristics of WWW

Some essential characteristics of WWW are listed below:

It is an open-source information space.
It is a cross-platform system that is available across multiple devices.
It is a kind of system that can store hypertext (text containing ‘links’ to other text or source) information.
It works as a distributed system that spreads across a huge number of websites. 

WWW Vs Internet

Most people get confused between the Web and the Internet and use these terms interchangeably. However, the Internet is totally different from the World Wide Web.

Internet is defined as the global network that connects different devices, such as computers, laptops, phones, etc. For example- when we are using emails or chatting with someone, we are using the Internet. Besides, WWW is a collection of various servers that can store hypertext and other resources. Using the Internet, we can access stored hypertext and resources. For example- when we are using any search engine (like google.com) to find any information, we are using the web.

Advantages of WWW

The following are the advantages of WWW:

Web resources are helping people connect and communicate with each other using social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. Also, it is one of the essential sources of studies.

The web is accessible worldwide and so people from different places can share their thoughts, ideas, or what is happening in their locations, etc. This helps other people know what is happening around the world.

The web has enabled people to use search engines to find any information they are looking for. It is easily accessible to everyone.

On the web, links allow people to navigate through one webpage to another. The link can locate on the other webpages of the same website or any other website relevant to the topic.

The web has made online marketing possible. People can easily buy and sell goods and services. Because most sites provide user-reviews it becomes easy for people to find the right thing.

Disadvantages of WWW

The following are the disadvantages of WWW:

Online frauds, cybercrime, and cyberbullying have increased and even emerging with new threats.

People have become addicted to social media platforms, and they share every single detail of their life on such platforms. This sometimes leads to loss and misuse of personal and private information.

Using the Web for surfing, entertainment, or online games for a long time can cause severe health issues.

Because of online promotional marketing, lots of spam emails are sent to people randomly. Sometimes, these emails may contain viruses and malicious links.

Online harassment and cyberstalking have become a serious concern with the popularity of the Web. Also, hackers are stealing user's data and misusing it for their personal benefits.


WWW (stands for 'World Wide Web'), also known as the Web, is an online information space that stores websites and makes them accessible worldwide on the Internet. Users are required to use a web browser to access any specific website or webpage and navigate to other webpages using hypertext.

The main objective of creating WWW was to combine various computer technologies, data networks, and hypertext, which could help establish a user-friendly and effective global information system. 

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