List of Presidents of India till date with Images

The President of India holds an important position in the governance of the respective nation. Presidents have important duties and responsibilities that help in maintaining the democratic system of India. In this article, we will discuss the list of Indian Presidents so far along with the roles and duties of the Indian President, interesting facts about the post and how the Indian President is elected.

Roles and Duties of the Indian President

Guardian of the Constitution: The President protects the Constitution, ensuring that it is followed correctly.

Appointing the Prime Minister: While the Prime Minister and the Cabinet run the government, the President formally selects the Prime Minister.

Approving Laws: A bill requires the assent of the President to become a law. The President can also address both the houses of the Parliament and can also dissolve the Lok Sabha if necessary.

International Representation: The Indian President represents India at the world stage and meets foreign leaders.

Commander-in-Chief: The Indian President is the highest military authority in India, even though day-to-day control rests with civilian leaders.

List of Presidents of India

Since independence till date (till 2023), there have been a total of 15 Presidents in India, out of which Draupadi Murmu is the current President of India. Let's see the list of all the Indian Presidents who have served the country from 1950 till date:

List of Presidents of India

1. Dr. Rajendra Prasad (1950-1962)

Dr. Rajendra Prasad was the first President of India, who served from 1950 to 1962. Born on December 3, 1884 in Zeradei, Bihar, he was a prominent leader in the Indian independence struggle and played a key role in drafting the Indian Constitution. Dr. Prasad was widely respected for his simplicity and commitment to democratic values. He was also a prolific writer and scholar. He died on February 28, 1963.

2. Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan (1962-1967)

Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, the second President of India, held the office from 1962 to 1967. Born on September 5, 1888 in Tiruttani, Tamil Nadu, he was a renowned philosopher and politician. His birthday, 5 September, is celebrated as Teachers' Day in India to honor his contribution to education. Dr. Radhakrishnan's philosophy and writings had a profound impact in India and around the world. He died on April 17, 1975.

3. Dr. Zakir Husain (1967-1969)

The third President of India, Dr. Zakir Hussain, served from 1967 to 1969. Born on February 8, 1897 in Hyderabad, he was not only an academic but also a leading educationist. He was the first Muslim to hold the office of President. His presidency was marked by a commitment to educational development, and he was associated with many universities and institutes. He died on May 3, 1969.

4. V. V. Giri (1969-1974)

The fourth President, V. V. Giri, held the office from 1969 to 1974. Born on August 10, 1894 in Berhampur, Odisha, he was a prominent trade unionist and politician. His presidency was notable for its focus on labor and social justice issues, reflecting his earlier career in labor movements. V. V. Giri died on 24 June 1980.

5. Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed (1974-1977)

The fifth President, Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed, served from 1974 to 1977. Born on 13 May 1905 in Delhi, he was a lawyer and freedom fighter. His presidency was marked by events such as the declaration of a state of emergency in India in 1975. Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed died on 11 February 1977.

6. Neelam Sanjiva Reddy (1977-1982)

The sixth President, Neelam Sanjiva Reddy, held office from 1977 to 1982. Born on May 19, 1913 in Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh, he had a long and distinguished political career. He was known for his commitment to democratic values and constitutional principles. Neelam Sanjeeva Reddy died on 1 June 1996.

7. Giani Zail Singh (1982-1987)

The seventh President, Giani Zail Singh, served from 1982 to 1987. Born on May 5, 1916 in Sandhwan, Punjab, he was a veteran politician and served as the Chief Minister of Punjab before becoming President. His presidency saw significant political developments in India, including the 1984 anti-Sikh riots. He died on 25 December 1994.

8. R. Venkataraman (1987-1992)

R. Venkataraman, the eighth President, held office from 1987 to 1992. Born on December 4, 1910, in Rajamadam, Tamil Nadu, he had a distinguished legal and political career. His presidency coincided with a period of economic reforms and political changes in India. R. Venkataraman passed away on January 27, 2009.

9. Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma (1992-1997)

Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma, the ninth President, served from 1992 to 1997. Born on August 19, 1918, in Bhopal, he had a background in law and politics and was known for his commitment to social justice and constitutional values. Prior to his presidency, he had held various important positions, including Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh. He passed away on December 26, 1999.

10. K. R. Narayanan (1997-2002)

K. R. Narayanan, the tenth President, held office from 1997 to 2002. Born on October 27, 1920, in Uzhavoor, Kerala, he was a diplomat and a career civil servant. He was known for his contributions to Indian foreign policy and his advocacy for marginalized communities. K. R. Narayanan passed away on November 9, 2005.

11. Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam (2002-2007)

Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, the eleventh President, served from 2002 to 2007. Born on October 15, 1931, in Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu, he was a renowned scientist and engineer. Popularly known as the "People's President", he inspired the youth of India with his vision of a developed and technologically advanced nation. Dr. Kalam was known as the "Missile Man of India" for his contributions to India's space and missile programs. He passed away on July 27, 2015.

12. Pratibha Patil (2007-2012)

Pratibha Patil, the twelfth President and the first woman to hold the office, served from 2007 to 2012. Born on December 19, 1934, in Jalgaon, Maharashtra, she had a background in law and politics and focused on issues related to women and social justice. Prior to her presidency, she had served as the Governor of the Indian state of Rajasthan. Pratibha Patil is alive and living her life peacefully.

13. Pranab Mukherjee (2012-2017)

Pranab Mukherjee, the thirteenth President, served from 2012 to 2017. Born on December 11, 1935, in Mirati, West Bengal, he had a long and illustrious political career, including serving as India's Finance Minister. His presidency was marked by his vast experience in governance. Pranab Mukherjee passed away on August 31, 2020.

14. Ram Nath Kovind (2017-2022)

Ram Nath Kovind, the fourteenth and incumbent President, has been in office since 2017. Born on October 1, 1945, in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, he has a legal background and has been associated with various social and political initiatives throughout his career. Before becoming President, he served as the Governor of the Indian state of Bihar. He is alive and living a healthy life.

15. Draupadi Murmu (2022- Current)

Draupadi Murmu assumed the role of President of the Republic of India following her election on July 21, 2022, making her the 15th President to hold the coveted post after Shri Ram Nath Kovind. Born on 20 June 1958, her political journey typically began in 1997 when she joined the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and was eventually elected as a councilor of Rairangpur Nagar Panchayat. In the year 2000, due to her dedication and leadership she was appointed as the Chairman of Rairangpur Nagar Panchayat. Additionally, she served as the National Vice President of the BJP Scheduled Tribe Morcha, demonstrating her commitment to diverse communities. Before becoming President, Draupadi Murmu had created history as the first woman to serve as the Governor of Jharkhand.

How is the Indian President elected?

In India, the President is chosen using an electoral college system, where the votes come from both national and state-level lawmakers. The whole process is managed and supervised by the Election Commission of India (ECI).

Presidential candidates need the support of at least 50 members of the Electoral College, which includes elected members of Parliament and State Legislative Assemblies.

Members of the Electoral College vote by secret ballot. Each member's vote is weighted based on the population they represent.

The candidate who gets over 50% of the total votes becomes the President-elect. If no one gets the majority in the first round, more rounds of voting take place.

The Chief Justice of India administers the oath of office to the President-elect, who then assumes their duties.

The election of the President ensures that all parts of India have a say in choosing the country's highest authority. The President's job is essential in upholding our Constitution and democratic values.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the position of President of India, an individual must meet the following criteria as per the Constitution of India:

Citizenship: The candidate must be a citizen of India.

Age: The candidate must be at least 35 years old.

Qualifications for Members of Parliament: To be eligible for the presidency, a candidate must fulfill the qualifications required for membership in the Lok Sabha (House of the People), which include being a registered voter and not holding any office of profit under the Government of India or the government of any state or under any local authority.

Nomination: The candidate must be nominated by at least 50 electors as proposers and 50 electors as seconders. These electors must be members of the Electoral College, which consists of elected members of both Houses of Parliament (Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha) and elected members of the Legislative Assemblies of States and Union territories.

No Government Office: The candidate should not hold any office of profit under the Government of India, any state government, or any local authority.

No Dual Office: The President cannot hold any other office of profit during their tenure.

These eligibility criteria ensure that the President of India is a qualified and impartial individual capable of fulfilling the important responsibilities of the office.

Some Interesting Facts about the President of India

Following are some interesting but important facts or things to know about Indian Presidents:

The President's term lasts five years and can be renewed for a maximum of two terms.

Dr. Rajendra Prasad was India's first President in 1950. Additionally, he was the sole individual to have served two terms in office.

Dr. Zakir Husain was the only President of India to serve two non-consecutive terms. He served as the 3rd President of India from 1962 to 1967 and was re-elected for a second term but unfortunately passed away in office in 1969.

Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, known as the "Missile Man of India", was a popular President.

The first female President of India was Pratibha Patil. She served as the 12th President of India from 2007 to 2012.

The "Rashtrapati Bhavan" in New Delhi is the President's official residence.

The President uses a special official car called the "Presidential State Car".

The President is India's most important citizen and enjoys certain legal protections.


The President of India holds a very special position as the head of the Indian state and is considered the most prominent or first citizen of the country. There have been a total of 15 Presidents in India since 1950 till now (2023-24), of which Dr. Rajendra Prasad was the first and Draupadi Murmu is the current President. Amidst all this, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam has been one of the most loved personalities and was called the "People's President".

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