GMAIL Full Form: What is Google Mail?

Gmail is currently a very general term used for communication over the Internet. It has revolutionized the way of communication with a wide range of facilities and ease of access. Gmail enables users to remove the limits of communication and exchange texts and media files digitally. However, the term Gmail is an abbreviation and there is also a full form of Gmail.

In this article, we have briefly covered the most important topics of Gmail, such as the Gmail full form, what is Gmail, a brief history of Gmail,  supported platforms, advantages, and more.

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What is the full form of GMAIL?

The meaning or full form of GMAIL is "Google Mail". The term 'mail' indicates the digital messages (or files, or both) composed through electronic devices.

Gmail can be seen on most electronic devices around the world. Since the Android platform is also a product of Google, Gmail comes preinstalled in Android devices. In addition, to access the Google Play Store and many other Android-based services, a Gmail ID is mandatory. A single Gmail ID is referred to as 'one for all' Google services.

GMAIL Full Form

The full form of Gmail can be explained as:

G Google
Mail Mail

Let us now talk about what is Gmail:

What is Gmail?

By the definition, “Gmail is defined as the most popular and widely used web-based free email service launched by Google that helps users to exchange digital messages (send and receive email) or media files over the Internet.

Gmail is currently a fully-featured email service with all the necessary services and products. It uses standard email protocols, namely POP, IMAP, and SMTP. Email protocols mainly help users to fetch or download their emails from different servers or clients on different devices and platforms.

Note: Each Gmail account has a unique email ID/address, which follows the structure of ''. Here, 'username' denotes the name of the user along with some other characters and '' is a domain name. Additionally, the '@' sign is used to separate the username from the domain name.

Brief History of Gmail

Gmail is developed by Paul Buchheit. It was mainly developed to facilitate communication for those already working at Google. However, it was later released for public use with many new features and integrations over time. Gmail became available for public use on 1 April 2004

Gmail became popular in a short time because it could store several megabytes (specifically 1GB) of messages and data for as long as the user wanted.

Key Advantages of Gmail

Some of the essential advantages of Gmail are discussed below:


Gmail is the only free email service provider that gives 15 gigabytes (GB) of disk space to each account for personal use. Initially, it offered 1 GB of disk space which was more than enough when compared to its competitors at the time. Furthermore, users can also increase the disk space limit at a very reasonable cost.


The user interface of Gmail is simple and easy to use. Users with minimal technical knowledge can do basic email tasks on Gmail with ease. They can easily manage their emails between different folders and categories. Additionally, Google keeps rolling out new designs and features for Gmail to simplify its interface to the maximum possible extent.


Gmail has robust security features and filters each email before making it accessible to users. Essential security features of Gmail include spam filtering and virus protection. 


The search feature in Gmail is very handy to find any specific email easily. Users don't have to scroll through hundreds or even thousands of emails. Instead, they can enter any query related to the particular email on the search box and find it instantly.

Language Support

Gmail is currently available in over 105 languages, making it accessible to users of different languages across the world.

Multiple Accesses

Due to the support for multiple protocols, users can also access emails from different clients or service providers directly in Gmail. In addition, one Gmail ID is sufficient to access all the services or products offered by Google. This includes Google Drive, Docs, YouTube, Google Play, etc. 

There are many other benefits of using Gmail. It would not be wrong to say that Gmail has almost innumerable advantages. In addition, new features are also rolled out over time through constant development and upgrades by the developers.

Supported Platforms

Gmail can simultaneously work on different platforms across different devices. Users can access Gmail on the following two platforms:

Web Browsers

The web-based (based on native HTML) version of Gmail is supported in almost all the latest web browsers. In addition, Gmail's advanced interface is also available for use, which is based on AJAX and is supported in most modern browsers.

Google launched an offline version of Gmail in August 2011. It was an HTML-5 powered application that could run through the Google Chrome browser when there was no connectivity with the Internet. The offline version of Gmail can be downloaded from the Chrome Web Store. It saves user's actions while working offline in Gmail and syncs them with Gmail when the system/ device is online.  


Gmail also has its own native application for various platforms of mobile and smartphone. Users can directly install the Gmail application on iOS devices, Windows devices, and Android devices.

In addition to the native Gmail application, users can also access Gmail using a web browser on their mobile devices.

Gmail Competitors

Nowadays, many email service providers have emerged. However, Gmail is the most popular email provider amongst all others. It has more than 1.5 billion active users. Gmail is so popular that most users even know the term Email as Gmail. However, they are two different terms.  

The following are some popular competitors of Gmail:

Yahoo! Mail

Yahoo! Mail was released in 1997 by Yahoo, a US-based web provider that was founded in 1994. It was loved by the people and became an instant hit due to its easy user interface and features. In addition, it was made available in about 27 languages, more than its competitors at the time. This contributed in part to the success of Yahoo's webmail service.

Microsoft Outlook

Microsoft Outlook is a popular email client software system from Microsoft, offered as a part of the Microsoft Office package. It originated under the name Hotmail and was developed by Jack Smith and Sabeer Bhatia in 1966. In 1996, it was made available for commercial use.

In 1997, Microsoft acquired Hotmail and rebranded it as MSN Hotmail, which was later renamed as Windows Live Hotmail before final rebranding as in 2012. is a web-based version of Microsoft Outlook with a similar interface.

AOL Mail

AOL Mail is another free web-based email client released in 1993 by AOL, a division of Verizon Communications. The term AOL is stylized as Aol where ‘A’ stands for ‘America’ and ‘ol' stands for 'Online', making it 'America Online'. AOL has a variety of security features similar to Gmail and has support for multiple protocols. The AOL Mail service is available in around 54 languages.

Apart from the above-mentioned email providers, Gmail has many more competitors and even new ones are emerging over time.

Gmail vs Email

The primary difference between Email and Gmail is that Email is a communication method of exchanging electronic messages/data whereas Gmail is the platform through which communication is established for sending and receiving emails.

Few essential differences between Email and Gmail are tabulated below:

Gmail Email
Gmail is an Email client through which electronic communication is made and emails are sent or received. Email is a means of electronic communication and may or may not consist of texts, documents, and media files.
It was first introduced in 2004. It was introduced around 1965-1975 during the ARPANET project.
Gmail displays advertisements and earns profits. Email does not display advertisements.
Gmail allows users to schedule emails. Email does not offer email scheduling.


Gmail (stands for 'Google Mail') is an email service provider/client that enables users to easily exchange electronic mail with text and media files across various electronic devices over the Internet. Users can access their Gmail accounts with a password and manage them accordingly on different platforms, such as Windows, Android, iOS, etc.

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