Online Interview Questions And Tips For 2021

Online Interview Questions and Tips

Nowadays, many companies are conducting online interviews over Skype, Google Hangouts, and other video chat platforms. It is because online interviews can drastically save the employer’s money and other resources. 

These interviews are really efficient for both the employee and the employer. In this article, we have shared the online interview questions that an employer may ask in any online interview or an in-person interview. In addition, we have also covered some tips for the preparation of online interviews.

Most of the companies have stopped in-person job interviews due to CoronaVirus. The disease has taken over 3,00,000 lives globally and infected more than 63,00,000 people internationally (data updated on June 1, 2020).

Online Interview Questions

Let’s first start with the questions because if you are ready, then it will ensure that your online interview goes well.  The key to getting success in any interview is confidence and being comfortable. This is why preparation and practice play an important role to boost your confidence. So, prepare for an online video interview with the following interview questions:

1) Describe yourself in short.

This is a basic question that creates your first impression. This question is enough to judge most of your skills. This can set a platform for further questions. To answer this question, be concise and focus on your basic details. Cover important things in short and target your answer to the specific job opportunity.

2) Why do you think that this job is right for you?

This is where your research will be beneficial. You should do research about the corresponding company before appearing in an interview. You should have all the important information about the job and the company. Focus on your skills and experience and tell how you can be beneficial for the company’s growth. Market yourself with unique qualities, something that will differentiate you from others.

3) Mention your biggest achievement of life.

A human’s life is full of achievements. Do some research and find your work-related achievements to discuss. You can also mention your work experience considering it as a personal goal.

4) How do you motivate yourself?

Self-motivation is a critical factor in every job. Employers always expect to find a candidate who can motivate himself and other team members in any tough situation. So, shortlist your skills and achievements and tell them with confidence and energy. Show your employer what helps you to believe in yourself.

5) Why do you want to leave your current job?

This is one of the most important questions and can be a danger if you do not answer this question carefully. To answer this question, do not ever try to say anything negative about the company or manager. Better target your goals and focus on the future. Show the employer that you are looking for a job that can match with your goals and position, highlighting the position for which you are giving an interview.

6) Have you applied anywhere else for a job?

Interviewers may ask this question to measure your interest in their job opportunities. Or they may check if the other jobs you have applied for really match with your goals and position to cross-check your previous answers.

7) You want to ask anything?

It is always critical to have questions ready to ask an interviewer. Better prepare your questions before appearing in an interview. Avoid asking such types of questions that you can easily search through the internet or job posting.

Online Interview Tips

Choose a private, secluded, and well-lit place with no interruptions. Put your phone in silent mode.
Check your computer hardware to make sure that audio, video, mic, etc. are working properly.
Dress professionally and avoid bright colors.
Put a notepad, pen, and copy of your resume on your desk. Also, keep a glass or bottle of water near you.
Listen carefully, don’t interrupt the interviewer. Also, nod and smile while listening.
Write a thank you note after the interview and take follow up on progress.

Wrap Up

Online interviewing is a normal part of the hiring process. If you have one to come, it is better to follow all the instructions shared by us in this article.

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