10 Major Limitations of Computer System

The limitations of computers primarily define some tasks that computers cannot perform, or in which humans perform better than computers. The term 'limitations' here indicates the drawbacks of a computer system where a computer fails to deliver.

Nowadays, computers can be seen performing various tasks with ease in almost every field, from the easiest to the most difficult. People have become familiar with working on computers over time due to the user-friendly interface and making their lives easier using them. But most people do not know what are the limitations of computers. However, it is important to know how a human being can be better than a computer in terms of technology.

Limitations of the Computer

In this article, we have explained the most common limitations of computers and how humans are better at performing certain tasks. Before going to the limitations, let's take a quick overview of what a computer is:

Introduction to Computer

A computer refers to an advanced electronic device that accepts raw data (input) from users, performs arithmetic and logical operations (processing) at a fast speed, and gives the desired result (output) to users. 

In particular, a computer system performs the functions listed below:

It accepts raw data (inputs) from the user with the help of various input devices.
It performs the required arithmetic and logic operations on the given data.
It converts the processed data into a human-readable form and provides the desired results (outputs) with the help of the output device.

What are the Limitations of Computer?

There are some limitations of the computer systems depending on their ability, dependency, actions, and more. However, the main limitations of the computer include Lack of Common Sense, No IQ, No Feelings, No Thinking Capability, No Decision Making Ability, No Learning Power, User Dependent, No Implementation Power, Cannot Express Ideas, and For Knowledgeable Audience:

Limitations of Computer

Let us discuss each of the above-listed limitations of computers in detail:

Lack of Common-sense

There is no common sense in computers and this is one of the major limitations of computers. They cannot make sound and prudent decisions based on a simple perception of the situation or facts. 

There is no doubt that computers are fast, reliable, and efficient. But they lack any common sense because no full-proof algorithm is designed for computers that could help them program general logic. Computers' functions are entirely based on the stored programs or logics.

For example, read the following sentence: 

“Rahul is red and the flower he is holding is a good person.
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If we write this sentence in Word, the computer will not display any error. However, any person would say that this sentence is wrong. It is based on common sense only. The correct sentence should be as below:

“Rahul is a good person and the flower he is holding is red.
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This is another main limitation of computers. Computers lack Intelligence Quotient (IQ); they typically have zero IQ. In simple words, computers cannot see or think of any specific action as per the corresponding situation. Everything, whatever a computer can do, is already programmed into a computer; No matter how easy or complex the task is.

Computers have become smarter over time as they have given more instructions programmatically. If we try to do a particular task that is not programmed in the computer, then the computer will not do that task. 

No Feelings

The computer is still a machine and therefore has no feelings. Unlike humans, computers do not feel anything. They lack emotion. Even though there are many great inventions in computers, the human heart is still not developed for computers.

Any person would feel tired after working for few hours continuously. On the other hand, computers do not get tired. They can work continuously for hours with the same accuracy and speed. 

No Thinking Capability

Computers cannot think of themselves, which restricts them to do any task on their own. They are machines in which instructions are stored or programmed to perform specific tasks. Computers do not work by thinking themselves, they are given instructions. Otherwise, they are just boxes.

Humans have developed some algorithms to make computers work like humans, such as voice input/output support in Siri or Google speech search. But this concept still relies on stored instructions and is commonly called Artificial Intelligence.

No Decision-Making Ability

Computers are incapable of making decisions because they do not contain the necessary elements. Decision-making is a complex process that usually requires elements such as information, intelligence, knowledge, wisdom, and judgment capability. The computers lack these elements, so they are unable to make decisions. They can only work according to the instructions given by the users.

Computers can be programmed to make decisions about certain situations, which are purely process-oriented. On the other hand, human has great power to make decisions accordingly. Besides, computers are dead machines when there is no power supply. 

No Learning Power

Computers do not have the power to learn, and therefore, they cannot learn things on their own. They have no ability to do any work based on the fact that they have done similar work before. Users have to give data or input each time to get the desired result. Likewise, they must be already programmed to perform certain tasks.

User Dependent

Computers have become so smart, yet they are dependent on the user to take input. If no data is given to the computer, it cannot process the task or provide results. Some modern computers can handle certain automated and repetitive tasks on their own; however, the user still needs to monitor the working process and configure the automation process by giving the correct data.

No Implementation Power

Although computers can store large amounts of data and perform complex operations, they do not have implementation power. This means that computers cannot implement anything on their own. Instead, only humans can set rules and policies for computers and implement them accordingly. 

Suppose we type an incorrect spelling while writing a sentence in MS Word. This will underline the specific spelling in red (only if the spelling and grammar check feature is turned on), which means that the spelling is incorrect. Alternatively, it displays some similar suggestions of spelling that can be used in place of the wrong one. However, only we can select the right spelling from the given suggestions, and implement it in our sentence.

Computers cannot express Ideas

This is one of the biggest limitations of computers where humans can perform far better than computers. For any research, new ideas can play an important role in improvements and innovations. 

Since computers work on programmed instructions and given data, they have no ideas of their own. Therefore, computers cannot express ideas.

Made for Knowledgeable Audience

When it comes to operating a computer, a knowledgeable audience is required. Although it is so easy to run a computer for basic tasks, some basic learning is necessary. Despite this, an IT specialist or programmer may be required to work on some complex tasks. 


This article discusses the 10 essential limitations of computers in which humans perform better than them. Although computers have some limitations or drawbacks, we cannot ignore their importance. Nowadays computers have powerful features and are used in almost every field, allowing us to ignore their limitations. Computers are a necessity in this modern era.

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