JAVA Full Form: What is the full form of JAVA?

JAVA is a very common term in computers and programming. Most people get confused about the full form of the word because there are websites explaining the various meanings of the word. This mainly leads people to more confusion about the actual explanation of the JAVA full form.

In this article, we have discussed and clarified all the confusion about the full form of JAVA. The article also discusses other details such as what is JAVA, brief history, applications, and features. 

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What is the full form of JAVA?

Before we discuss the full form of JAVA, we should know that the term Java is not really an abbreviated term, and therefore, it does not have a definite full form. Besides, it is the name of a computer-based programming language that is mainly used to develop computer-based applications. JAVA was decided on the basis of the name Java Coffee which the developers were drinking while thinking of a new name for this particular programming language. 

Note: Java coffee is usually a coffee prepared using coffee beans from the island of Java which is located between Sumatra and Bali in Indonesia. Some people also call coffee beans as java beans. Furthermore, ‘Javanese’ is the Indonesian language that people use to interact with each other, which is completely different from the JAVA programming language.

Apart from this, programmers and developers have coined their imaginary full forms of the term JAVA. The most popular and commonly used full form of JAVA is "Just Another Virtual Accelerator". Even though the word JAVA has no special meaning or full form, this full form is used jokingly by people.

Full Form of JAVA

The full form of JAVA can be explained as:

J Just
A Another
V Virtual
A Accelerator

Let’s talk about what JAVA is:

What is JAVA?

JAVA is a general-purpose, object-oriented, class-based computer programming language designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible. This typically allows programmers and developers to Write Once, Run Anywhere (WORA) mechanism. According to this, a JAVA code that has been compiled can run on other JAVA-supported platforms without recompilation. JAVA applications are usually compiled for byte code that is free to run on any JVM (stands for 'Java virtual machine') regardless of the underlying computer architecture.

The syntax of JAVA is relatively similar to C and C ++ and was designed to overcome their drawbacks. JAVA has low-level features and can help to create a single application to run on various platforms, such as Windows, UNIX, etc. Additionally, JAVA allows programmers to develop applications that can also run on an Internet browser.  

Brief History of JAVA

JAVA programming language was introduced by Sun Microsystems (which has now been acquired by Oracle), an initiative started by James Gosling. He started the project in mid-1991 for his set-top box-related project. At the initial state, the language was named 'Oak' which was taken from an oak tree that was situated outside his office. But this name was already a trademark of another organization named Oak Technologies. Later, the name was changed to ‘Green’ and many other names. 

Because the name did not seem appropriate and caused confusion in people, the name went through about 15 titles, ultimately ending with JAVA, DNA, and SILK. Finally, JAVA was finalized, derived from Java Coffee. It was released in 1995 as the first public implementation and core component of Sun Microsystem's JAVA platform.

Applications of JAVA

JAVA programming language is mainly used for developing applications for different platforms. Some of the most common applications that we can create using JAVA are listed below:

Mobile App Development
Web-based Applications
Desktop GUI Applications
Distributed Applications
Gaming Applications
Cloud-Based Applications
Big Data Technologies
IoT Applications
Business Applications
Enterprise Applications
Scientific Applications

Features of JAVA

The following are some essential features of JAVA:

JAVA is scalable. This means that we can upgrade system resources to increase the performance to handle extreme workloads.

JAVA is a cross-platform language, which means that the programs developed through JAVA can run on almost every platform. However, there must be a JVM (Java Virtual Machine) support in the corresponding platform.

JAVA uses an efficient mechanism for the Memory-management. We are not required to allocate or release the memory ourselves; JAVA automatically manages the memory as per the requirements.

JAVA is a multi-threaded language. This allows JAVA to execute two or more threads simultaneously using the maximum power of system resources. 


JAVA is the name of a programming language. It is not an abbreviation and has no definite full form. However, people have created a fictionalized full form of JAVA, which is the 'Just Another Virtual Accelerator'.

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