DBMS Full Form: DBMS Meaning in Computer

When it comes to managing and maintaining data, the first thing that comes to our mind is DBMS. In particular, most people know that DBMS helps us manage data systematically. But the question may come into their mind that what is the full form of DBMS?

In this article, we have briefly covered the most important things about DBMS, such as the DBMS full form, what is DBMS, its definition, history, types, characteristics, and more.

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What is the full form of DBMS?

DBMS is a short form of ‘Database Management System’. It is nothing but computer software designed primarily to help users in managing databases. It is one of the easiest, reliable, and efficient methods used for data processing and management. Some popular DBMS software are MySQL, SQL Server, Microsoft Access, Oracle, PostgreSQL, etc.

DBMS Full Form

The full form of DBMS can be explained as:

D Data
B Base
M Management
S System

Note: It is important to note that the word 'database' is a single word and should always be written accordingly. A database refers to an organized collection of data or structured information, which is stored electronically or digitally. Typically, databases use a structured query language (short for SQL) to write and query data.  

Let’s talk about what DBMS is:

What is DBMS?

DBMS is a set of computer programs and utilities that allow end-users to interact with the database. It acts as system software and also makes it possible for users to create, read, update, or delete data in a database. A database management system typically works as an interface between the database and the end-user or third-party software, ensuring that the data is effectively stored, and easily accessible.

A DBMS operates primarily through system commands, first receiving instructions from the database administrator, and then instructing the operating system accordingly, either to access the data, retrieve the data, alter the data, or load existing data from the system. Moreover, DBMS also allows users to create their own data accordingly. Some essential DBMS examples are columnar database management systems (CDBMS), in-memory database management systems (IMDBMS), cloud-based database management systems, and NoSQL in DBMS.

Definition of DBMS

"A database management system (DBMS) is defined as a set of computer programs in a software package designed specifically for the creation, maintenance, and use of databases by following appropriate security measures."

Brief History of DBMS

The first DBMS system was designed in 1960 by Charles Bachman. Later in 1970, Codd introduced Information Management System (IMS) at IBM. With the continuous development, there were many other systems, such as ER model, relational model, etc. In 1985, the object-oriented DBMS model came into existence, which was upgraded to Object-Orientation Relational DBMS in 1990.

While there were many developments, in 1991 Microsoft displaced almost all personal DBMS products through MS Access. However, it was not supported to work with the Internet. Later in 1995, the first Internet-based database application was developed. The use of XML was integrated in 1997 for database processing. Nowadays, there are many database management systems. 

Characteristics of DBMS

The most common characteristics of DBMS are listed below:

DBMS helps us to create the database.
DBMS helps us to get the desired information from the database.
Users can efficiently update and manage the database using DBMS.
DBMS provides a multi-user environment that helps multiple users to access or manipulate data in parallel.
DBMS adds security to the database and removes redundancy.

Types of DBMS

There are mainly four types of DBMS systems, such as:

Hierarchical Databases: Data is organized in a tree-like structure.
Network Databases: All entities are organized in the form of graphical representations.
Relational Databases: Data is organized in the form of logically independent tables.
Object-Oriented Databases: Data is organized in the form of objects.


A relational database management system (RDBMS) is a software package with computer programs that help users create, update, and manage a relational database, which is distinguished by the structured data in logically independent table forms.

Some important differences between DBMS and RDBMS are given below:

The data is structured in a hierarchical form. The data is structured in tabular form.
DBMS can be used to manage small amounts of data. RDBMS can be used to manage an unlimited amount of data.
DBMS does not support distributed databases. RDBMS supports distributed databases.

Advantages of DBMS

The following are the advantages of DBMS:

DBMS provides a wide range of technologies that help users to store and retrieve data efficiently.
DBMS processes query at a much faster speed than traditional file systems.
DBMS provides data integrity and security. Besides, it removes data inconsistencies and redundancy controls.
DBMS efficiently reduces application development time.
DBMS provides an interface for many users. Besides, it can allow users to schedule concurrent access to data in such a way that only one user can use the same data at a time.

Disadvantages of DBMS

The following are the disadvantages of DBMS:

DBMS requires some software and hardware, along with people specializing in working on DBMS. This ultimately increases the overall cost.
DBMS needs to be kept up to date with regular updates to prevent security risks.
In case of power failure or corrupted storage, all data integrated into the database may be damaged or lost.
Multiple users operate the same program and database, which can sometimes result in data loss due to overloading.
DBMS cannot process sophisticated calculations.


DBMS (stands for ‘Database Management System’) is a database program that is mainly used to create, maintain, and use databases using database administrators (DBAs). Besides, a database is an organized set of data records, files, and other objects. 

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