Coronavirus: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on Coronavirus: Everything Explained
Coronavirus is currently a serious concern for the entire humankind. World Health Organization has already declared it a pandemic. WHO also suggests people to take proper precautions and follow recommended guidelines against coronavirus to reduce exposure and transmission. However, many people are still confused about coronavirus, its symptoms and how it spreads, etc. 

Here, we have covered the frequently asked questions on coronavirus that will surely help people to get a better understanding of this disease. Let’s get started with the basics:

1) What is Coronavirus?

Coronavirus is described as a large group of different viruses that may cause illness in animals or humans. It can cause respiratory infections in humans that might be just a common cold to severe diseases like Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (also referred to as MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (also referred to as SARS). 

2) What is COVID-19?

The most recent coronavirus is causing a disease named as COVID-19. The most recent virus and disease were initially found in the outbreak began in Wuhan, China, in December 2019.

3) What are the known symptoms of COVID-19?

The most common and known symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, dry cough, tiredness, runny nose, nasal congestion, sore throat, aches, and pains, etc. The symptoms vary from person to person. According to the records, there were some infected COVID-19 people without any of these symptoms. And, around 80% of people recover from this disease without any special treatment.
Generally, 1 out of 6 people who get infected with it becomes seriously ill. There can be a critical situation and difficulty in breathing.

4) How does COVID-19 spread?

COVID-19 can spread in people from others who have the virus. It can be transmitted through small droplets from the nose or mouth while the infected person is coughing or sneezing. These droplets usually land on surfaces, objects or directly on the person. By touching such objects and surfaces, then further touching eyes, nose or mouth, a person can catch COVID-19. People can also be get infected with it if they breathe in droplets from a person with COVID-19 who coughs out or exhales droplets. Apart from it, WHO is still researching the ways that can spread COVID-19.

Some popular SDLC methodologies are as follows:

5) Can COVID-19 be transmitted through the air?

According to the reports, it is said that the virus that causes COVID-19 is usually transmitted through contact with respiratory droplets rather than the air. However, research is still on to make this point clear. It is suggested to maintain a distance (around 1 meter or 3 feet) from a person who is sick.

6) How can I protect myself and prevent the spread of COVID-19?

You can protect yourself by taking the precautions given below:
Wash your hands frequently with soap or alcohol-based sanitizer because it kills viruses that may be present on your hands.
Maintain a distance, at least 1 meter, from a person who is coughing or sneezing.
Avoid touching your face, nose, eyes or mouth because these are the main source that can get you affected with this disease.
Stay at home and self-isolate yourself even if you have mild symptoms such as headache, low-fever, slight cough, etc until you recover.
If you feel unwell or you have a fever, cough, difficulty in breathing, call your doctor or nearest medical center in advance. This will protect you as well as stop the spread of the virus. Also, wear a mask.

7) How likely am I to catch COVID-19?

It actually depends on where you live. If there are positive cases of COVID-19 in your area, then you may unlikely to catch this disease. So, it is better to stay at home and avoid any travel or large gatherings. Be aware of the situation where you are currently living or where you are planning to go. Following the precaution efforts will surely help you to reduce the risk of catching COVID-19.

8) Who is at risk of getting severe illness?

There are still many trials and testing out there finding the results on how actually COVID-19 is affecting people. As per the existing reports, it can cause severe illness to older people and people with other medical conditions such as high blood pressure, heart disease, lung disease, diabetes, or cancer

9) Can we use antibiotics to prevent or treat COVID-19?

No, you should not use Antibiotics to prevent or treat COVID-19 as Antibiotics are only helpful in bacterial infections. They cannot be used against a disease that is caused by a virus. They should only be taken as directed by the physician in case there is a requirement to treat bacterial infection.

10) Is there any vaccine, drug or treatment to stop COVID-19?

As of now, there is no vaccine and no specific treatment to treat COVID-19. People should consult with a doctor as soon as they notice any symptoms of COVID-19. Therefore, they can receive care to relieve symptoms.

11) How much time it will take to make a COVID-19 vaccine?

There are several trails running by different countries. Possible vaccines and drug treatments are under testing. They are being tested through clinical trials. WHO is also working with different medical authorities to develop vaccines and medicines to treat COVID-19.

12) Can a mask protect me from COVID-19?

It is recommended to wear a mask only if you are ill with COVID-19 or looking after someone who may have COVID-19. There is no requirement of masks in other scenarios. 

13) What is the incubation period and how long it can be?

The ‘incubation period’ is the time between catching the virus and starting to have the symptoms of the disease. The incubation period for COVID-19 can be 1-14 days. In most cases, the symptoms start in five days.

14) Can I get infected with COVID-19 from an animal source?

Coronaviruses are usually found in animals. However, people get infected with these viruses which may have spread to other people. There are no possible animal sources of COVID-19 yet.

It is recommended to avoid direct contact with the animals and surfaces that are in contact with animals. Avoid consuming raw or uncooked animal products to ensure safety.

15) Can I get infected with COVID-19 from my pet?

There is currently no evidence that a pet can transmit COVID-19.

16) How long does the COVID-19 virus survive on surfaces?

There are no proper reports to calculate the surviving time of the COVID-19 virus. However, based on studies on other coronaviruses, it is assumed that it may persist on surfaces for a few hours or up to several days. This actually varies according to the different conditions such as type of surface, the temperature of the atmosphere, etc.

17) Is it safe to make use of e-commerce sites or online food sites to receive a package?

Yes, there is a low risk of catching a virus that causes COVID-19 through a package that has been moved, traveled, and exposed. However, it is suggested to get your package delivered to the door on a clean surface or table and not to touch it at least for a day.

18) Is there any way to confirm whether someone has COVID-19?

The only effective way to confirm it is to get tested and have that test be positive.

19) Should I go to a doctor if I have a fever or a cough?

It is suggested to stay at home at least for seven days if you notice a fever or cough. Make a distance from other people or family members until you recover. If you get worse or symptoms last longer than seven days, you should call in a helpline number according to your country or city.

20) What are the other things that I should avoid?

Avoid smoking, wearing multiple masks, and taking antibiotics because these are all not effective against COVID-19. It can be harmful.

These questions and answers will be updated as more is known about COVID-19, so, keep checking this page for more questions.

To get instant answers, you can ask your questions via the Contact form or type ‘hi’ and send it to +41794123236 on WhatsApp. The WHO will answer your questions on WhatsApp.

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